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1 in 4 adults suf­fers from fun­gal in­fec­tions of the toe­nails (der­mato­phyte ony­chomy­co­sis) dur­ing their life­time. Fun­gal in­fec­tions are very con­ta­gious and easy to catch in show­ers, chang­ing rooms, swim­ming pools or saunas.

Fungi are not vis­i­ble with the naked eye, how­ev­er you can rec­og­nize the symp­toms of a toe­nail fun­gus as: 

  • Signs of in­flam­ma­tion (red­ness) of the skin
  • Dis­col­oration of the toe­nail
  • Thick­en­ing or brit­tle­ness of the toe­nail
  • Dis­fig­u­ra­tion of the toe­nail or even sep­a­ra­tion from the nail bed.

FUNGHICLEAR™ ANTI-FUNGAL SPRAYThe best chance to get your fun­gal in­fec­tion under con­trol is to re­grow a healthy toe­nail, which takes time. It can take up to 18 months for a toe­nail to re­grow. Funghi­Clear™ is a med­i­cal de­vice which has proven to be safe, ef­fec­tive and easy to use.

FUNGHI­CLEAR™ Manu­ka Nail Spray


Funghi­Clear™ is the nat­u­ral and safe al­ter­na­tive to the many syn­thet­ic fungi­cides. Un­like a fungi­cide, which kills fun­gus, the nat­u­ral in­gre­di­ents of Funghi­Clear™ make it dif­fi­cult for the funghi to thrive. It re­pels the fun­gus from the nail and sur­round­ing area. By using Funghi­Clear™ twice a day, a healthy nail can start to re­grow. Con­tin­ue daily use until a new and healthy toe­nail has com­plete­ly grown out. The total treat­ment varies per per­son and can take 6 to 18 months. 

Dry your feet
Dry your feet
2x a day
2x a day
2x a week in shoes
2x a week in shoes
Use for 3-4 months
Use for 3-4 months
Use only on feet and toenails
Use only on feet and toenails
Out of reach of children
Out of reach of children

Key Ben­e­fits

  • Rec­om­mend­ed by pro­fes­sion­als; proven to be safe, ef­fec­tive and easy to use.
  • 100% nat­u­ral ac­tive in­gre­di­ents; no drug in­ter­ac­tions with other med­i­ca­tions, safe to use by chil­dren, the el­der­ly and those with a weak­ened im­mune sys­tem.
  • Clever pack­ag­ing; the up­side down spray makes it easy to reach your toes and the de­sign sup­ports use twice a day with­out a mess.
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*1 *1 Study Post-marketing evaluation study 2023 (ISBN 97890833290)

Sci­en­tif­i­­cal­­ly proven

Funghi­­Clear™ Manu­­ka Nail Spray is qual­i­­fied as a Med­i­­cal De­vice Class 1 under EU reg­u­la­­tion. Re­­cent stud­ies con­­firm that Funghi­­Clear™ is safe, ef­fec­­tive and easy to use to com­­bat and pre­vent toe­­nail funghus. The twelve week eval­u­a­­tion showed no side-ef­­fects and a sig­nif­i­­cant im­prove­­ment of over 30 per­­cent. of the ef­­fec­t­ed nail. The users rated the con­ve­nience for daily usage at 4.2 out of 5.*



  • Spray twice a day on af­fect­ed nail(s)
  • Spray in your shoes once a week
  • Make Funghi­Clear™ part of your daily hy­giene rou­tine

"The bot­tle last­ed quite a while. Even­tu­al­ly you will need 3 or 4 bot­tles to com­plete­ly let the fun­gal nail grow out. But it lasts a good while and with good care the prob­lem dis­ap­pears com­plete­ly. Be pa­tient and you will see fan­tas­tic re­sults, it def­i­nite­ly works."

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