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Hav­ing clean hands has never been as im­por­tant as it is today. The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has made all of us aware of the im­por­tance of keep­ing the virus at bay. How­ev­er, the con­stant cleans­ing and dis­in­fect­ing of the skin caus­es dry­ness, red­ness and dis­com­fort. With Manu­Cle­ar™ we cre­at­ed unique prod­uct that is a cat­e­go­ry of its own: a Hand­Soft­en­er. Manu­Cle­ar™ gives an al­most in­stant gen­tle feel of your hands.

Rec­om­mend­ed by pro­fes­sion­als

Manu­Cle­ar™ Hand­Soft­en­er is de­signed for those who clean their hands mul­ti­ple times dur­ing the day. Whether you are a hair­dress­er or po­di­a­trist, a re­cep­tion­ist or teach­er, a CEO or sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive, with Manu­Cle­ar™ you pro­tect your­self and your hands at the same time! This is why pro­fes­sion­als rec­om­mend Manu­Cle­ar™.

Nat­u­ral ac­tive in­gre­di­ents 

  • Aloe vera, often re­ferred to as the 'won­der plant', smoothes and soothes the skin, while the other in­gre­di­ents cre­ate a pro­tec­tive layer to pre­vent dry­ness and dis­com­fort.
  • Manu­ka-oil from New Zea­land with >20% trike­tones is known for its anti-viral, anti-fun­gal and anti-bac­te­ri­al prop­er­ties.  
  • With an al­co­hol con­tent of over 70%, Manu­Cle­ar™ meets the stan­dard to com­bat bac­te­ria.
Nat­u­ral ac­tive in­gre­di­ents
Icon List

Aloe vera, often re­ferred to as the 'won­der plant', smoothes and soothes the skin, while the other in­gre­di­ents cre­ate a pro­tec­tive layer to pre­vent dry­ness and dis­com­fort.

Icon List

Manu­ka-oil from New Zea­land with >20% trike­tones is known for its anti-viral, anti-fun­gal and anti-bac­te­ri­al prop­er­ties.

Icon List

With an al­co­hol con­tent of over 70%, Manu­Cle­ar™ meets the stan­dard to com­bat bac­te­ria.

The basis of many of our prod­ucts is Manu­ka-oil, a pow­er­ful in­gre­di­ent with anti-fun­gal, anti-bac­te­ri­al and anti-viral prop­er­ties that have been well-doc­u­ment­ed by sci­ence. The use of Manu­ka-oil for med­i­cal pur­pos­es has been long known to the Maori, the in­dige­nous peo­ple of New Zea­land, and our anti-fun­gal spray bases its ef­fec­tive­ness on the oil's abil­i­ty to com­bat and pre­vent fun­gal in­fec­tions.

Clever de­sign

Manu­Cle­ar™ of­fers a nat­u­ral so­lu­tion for your safe­ty and with com­fort for your hands. No need for a sticky hand san­i­tiz­er and a greasy hand cream. In­stead, we com­bined the best nat­u­ral in­gre­di­ents to help pro­tect your­self and oth­ers while nur­tur­ing your hands at the same time. Suit­able for both pro­fes­sion­al and ev­ery­day use, Manu­Cle­ar™ with its dis­tinc­tive pack­ag­ing can be used in your daily prac­tice, shared with friends and fam­i­ly or on the go.

Squeeze a little  bit of the gel
Squeeze a little bit of the gel
Rub it out over  your hands
Rub it out over your hands
Wait a few seconds to get its soothing  effect to experience
Wait a few seconds to get its soothing effect to experience
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(You can reach us on work days from 9 AM till 6 PM, Central European Time)